Dear friends,
Exciting news!
I would be absolutely thrilled to bring you, my lovely readers all of the latest fashion news, trends and designers, direct from the the front row of Australia's premier fashion industry event.
Voting closes 11:59pm on April 27th. Note that you will have to 'like' HP before you can 'vote'.
A million thanks in advance. Please feel free to share this link and spread the word.
Luv, Friend in Fashion
xP.S. If you are kind enough to
repost my entry ( on your blog, facebook or twitter, let me know and I'll share the love with a link back.
Finally, to those who celebrate - happy Easter.
Title : Friend in Fashion wants you...
Description : Dear friends, Exciting news! I'm in the running to become HP Australia's Front Row Blogger for Rosemount Australian Fashion Week and...